ocr: Macintosh ait timeout: 40 seconds TROUBLE <CR> - Out O Wait SHOOTER Control Panels: Config PPP Out O Wait Connect Script Window - Out O Wait Out O Wait - Out O Wait Out O Wait - Out O Wait - Out O Wait Cancel OK The "Connect Script.." window PPP Seruer vame: moll.u-net.com The Connect Script window enables you to type in multiple scripts for the Par1 speed: 18100 - modem to use, plus time-out settings. Ilu Emtintas X IIS IIIII III) V Don't ask me what you type in there, I don't honestly know!!! * Tane Dlal i Pulse dlal "lH IIIII IAl/II-4I/N117 iodeml Inlt 310120K30d0 iodem cannect timeout: 5 + ...